The chair is pleased to announce that the publication by Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer and Anders Dalèn (Viktoria Swedish ICT entitled „Towards a user-centered feedback design for smart meter interfaces to support efficient energy-use choices: A design science approach“ has been accepted for publication in the journal Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE).
Based on interviews of users' experience with current smart-meter technologies the authors propose, implement and evaluate a user-centered design of an energy-use information system that assists private households in making efficient energy consumption decisions.
Instead of providing disaggregated data, the envisioned system automatically calculates the monetary savings from replacing an appliance or by changing the operational behavior of an appliance. The information provided is personalized with respect to appliance use and also comprises information from external databases. A prototype is implemented and evaluated in a use case with white goods household appliances. The study concludes with directions for further interactivity improvements and research into the structures of an openly shared appliance database.
BISE is an international scholarly and double-blind peer reviewed journal that publishes scientific research on the effective and efficient design and utilization of information systems by individuals, groups, enterprises, and society for the improvement of social welfare. BISE is ranked B in the VHB-JOURQUAL 3.0 ranking and the 2015 ISI Impact Factor for BISE is 2.059.