The chair is proud to have hosted the 28th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society from July 30 - August 2, 2017 at the University of Passau. The ITS european conference provides a platform for sharing scientific exchange on current and further developments in the telecommunications and internet market. This year’s conference theme was „Competition and Regulation in the Information Age“. Many of the research papers, presented and discussed at the conference, picked up the theme and discussed opportunities and risks of disruptive technological developments for the business models as well as the regulation of digital services and markets.
In total 140 participants from 28 different countries and 5 continents attended the conference. Everybody was impressed by the city of Passau and its sights. The welcome reception on the town hall square, the opening address in the historic city hall, the conference dinner on the gala boat „Regina Danubia“ as well as the guided city tour and the cathedral and cathedral organ tour were special highlights of the conference. Next year’s ITS conference will take place in Seoul.