Bhargava, H. K., Krämer, J., & Wipusanawan, C. (2024).
Competition and innovation by search engines in the presence of preset defaults. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2024.
Krämer, J., & Shekhar, S. (2024).
Regulating Digital Platform Ecosystems through Data Sharing and Data Siloing: Consequences for Innovation and Welfare. Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), forthcoming. doi10.25300/MISQ/2024/18428
[JQ3: A+; IF: ; ABS: Grade 4*; HB: 1]
Bourreau, M., & Krämer, J.
Interoperability in Digital Markets: Boon or Bane for Market Contestability?
Krämer, J., & Shekhar, S.
Regulating Algorithmic Learning in Digital Platform Ecosystems through Data Sharing and Data Siloing: Consequences for Innovation and Welfare
Haberer, B., Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D.
Do Consumers Benefit from Selling their Data? The Economic Impact of Personal Data Brokers on Digital Markets
Krämer, J. (2023).
Ökonomische Grundlagen der digitalen Plattformregulierung. In F. Säcker, F. Bien, P. Meier-Beck, & F. Montag (Eds.), Münchner Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht (Vol. 1/1, 4th ed., pp. 1735-1763). München: C. H. Beck
Witte, A., & Krämer, J. (2023).
The open display advertising ecosystem: Competition concerns and policy interventions. Competition Policy International. Retrieved from
Krämer, J.; Colangelo, G.; Richter, H.; Schnurr, D. (2023).
Data Act: Towards a Balanced EU Data Regulation, Centre on Regulation in Europe: Brussels,
Krämer, J. (2023).
Data Access Provisions in the DMA. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Report, 01/2023.
Krämer, J. (2022).
Improving the Economic Effectiveness of the B2B and B2C Data Sharing Obligations in the Proposed Data Act. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Report, 11/2022.
Krämer, J. (ed.) (2022).
Prospects for Harmonization of Global Data Governance. In: Lamy, P., Liebhaberg, B. et al. (eds.), Global Governance for the Digital Ecosystems. Preserving Convergence and Organising Co-Existence. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), Brussels
Busch, C., Fourberg, N., Krämer, J., Kroon, P., Steffen, N., Tas, S., Thoste, P., Wiewiorra, L. (2022)
Interoperability regulations for digital services , WIK-Consult Report, 0892022.
Bourreau, M., Krämer, J. & Buiten, M. (2022).
Interoperability in Digital Markets. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 03/2022.
Krämer, J., Shekhar, S., Hofmann, J. (2021).
Regulating Algorithmic Learning in Digital Platform Ecosystems through Data Sharing and Data Siloing: Consequences for Innovation and Welfare.Proceedings of the Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021. [JQ3: A]
Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2022)
Big Data and Digital Markets Contestability: Theory of Harm and Data Access Remedies. Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 18(2), 255-322. doi:10.1093/joclec/nhab015
de Streel, A., Feasey, R., Krämer, J., & Monti, G. (2021)
Making the Digital Markets Act More Resilient and Effective.Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 05/2021.
de Streel, A., Liebhaberg, B., Fletcher, A., Feasey, R., Krämer, J., & Monti, G. (2021)
The European proposal for a Digital Markets Act: A first assessment. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 01/2021.
Krämer, J. (ed.). (2020).
Digital Markets and Online Platforms: New Perspectives on Regulation and Competition Policy. Brussels: Centre on Regulation in Europe. 104 p.
Krämer,J. (2020)
Personal Data Portability in the Platform Economy: Economic Implications and Policy Recommendations. Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 17(2), 263-308. doi:10.1093/joclec/nhaa030
Broughton Micova, S., Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2020)
The role of data for digital markets contestability: case studies and data access remedies. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 09/2020.
Krämer, J., & Zierke, O. (2020).
Paying for prominence: The effect of sponsored rankings on the incentives to invest in the quality of free content on dominant online platforms
Haberer, B., Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2020).
Standing on the Shoulders of Web Giants: The Economic Effects of Personal Data Markets
Krämer, J., Senellart, P., & de Streel, A. (2020)
Making data portability more effective for the digital economy. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 06/2020.
Krämer, J., & Stüdlein, N. (2019).
Data portability, data disclosure and data-induced switching costs: Some unintended consequences of the General Data Protection Regulation. Economics Letters, 181, 99-103.[JQ3: B; IF: 0.581; AJG: Grade 3; HB: 0.5]
Krämer, J., Schnurr, D., & Wohlfarth, M. (2019).
Winners, Losers, and Facebook: The Role of Social Logins in the Online Advertising Ecosystem. Management Science, 65(4), 1678-1699. [JQ3: A+; IF: 3.544; AJG: Grade 4*; HB: 1]
Krämer, J., Whalley, J. & Batura, O. (2019)
The data economy and data-driven ecosystems: Regulation, frameworks and case studies. Telecommunications Policy. im Erscheinen. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2018.12.007 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; AJG: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Wohlfarth, M. (2019)
Data Portability on the Internet. Business & Information Systems Engineering 1/2019, 1-24. doi:10.1007/s12599-019-00580-9 [JQ3: B; IF: 2.596; AJG: Grade 2; HB: 0.2]
Krämer, J., Schnurr, D. & Wohlfarth, M. (2019).
Trapped in the Data-Sharing Dilemma. MIT Sloan Management Review 60(2), 22-23. [JQ3: C; AJG Grade 3; FT50]
Dinter, B., & Krämer, J. (2018).
Data-driven innovations in electronic markets. Electronic Markets 28(4), 403-405. doi:10.1007/s12525-018-0316-3
Krämer, J. (2018).
Datenschutz 2.0 – ökonomische Auswirkungen von Datenportabilität im Zeitalter des Datenkapitalismus. In: Tobias Kretschmer, Lukas Wiewiorra, Jan Krämer, Andreas Oehler, Matthias Horn, Justus Haucap, Stefan Klein, Joschka Hüllmann: Zeitgespräch: Datenkapitalismus – eine ökonomische Betrachtung. Wirtschaftsdienst 98(7), 459-480.
Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2018).
Is there a need for platform regulation in the EU? Telecommunications Policy, 42(7), 514-529. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2018.06.004 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Easley, R., Guo, H., & Krämer, J. (2018).
From Network Neutrality to Data Neutrality: A Techno-Economic Framework and Research Agenda. Information Systems Research, 29(2), 253-272.doi:10.1287/isre.2017.0740 [JQ3: A+; IF: 2.301; ABS: Grade 4*; HB: 1]
Krämer, J., & Wohlfarth, M. (2018).
Market power, regulatory convergence, and the role of data in digital markets. Telecommunications Policy, 42(2), 154-171. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2017.10.004 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Wohlfarth, M. (2017).
Data Portability on the Internet: An Economic Analysis. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017), Seoul, South Korea, 2017, forthcoming. [VHB-JQ3: A]
(nominated for best theory development award)
Feasey, R., Krämer, J., (2021)
Device Neutrality: Openness, non-discrimination and transparency on mobile devices for general internet access. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 06/2021.
Krämer, J. (2019)
Device Neutrality: The Missing Link for Fair and Transparent Online Competition?. Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) Policy Report, 03/2019.
Krämer, J., & Peitz, M. (2018).
A Fresh Look at Zero-Rating. Telecommunications Policy, 42(7), 501-513. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2018.06.005 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2018).
Is there a need for platform regulation in the EU? Telecommunications Policy, 42(7), 514-529. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2018.06.004 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Easley, R., Guo, H., & Krämer, J. (2018).
From Network Neutrality to Data Neutrality: A Techno-Economic Framework and Research Agenda. Information Systems Research 29(2), 253-272 doi:10.1287/isre.2017.0740 [JQ3: A+; IF: 2.301; ABS: Grade 4*; HB: 1]
Krämer, J, & Wohlfarth, M. (2015).
Regulating Over-the-Top Service Providers in Two-Sided Content Markets: Insights from the Economic Literature. Communications & Strategies 99, 51-71.
Kourandi, F., Krämer, J., & Valletti, T. (2015).
Net Neutrality, Exclusivity Contracts and Internet Fragmentation. Information Systems Research 26(2), 320-338. doi:10.1287/isre.2015.0567 [JQ3: A+; IF: 2.301; ABS: Grade 4*; HB: 1]
Krämer, J., Wiewiorra, L., & Weinhardt, C. (2013).
Net Neutrality: A Progress Report. Telecommunications Policy37(9), 794–813. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2012.08.005 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Most cited article in Telecommunications Policy since 2013
Krämer, J., & Wiewiorra, L. (2012).
Network Neutrality and Congestion Sensitive Content Providers: Implications for Content Variety, Broadband Investment and Regulation. Information Systems Research 23(4), 1303-1321. doi:10.1287/isre.1120.0420 [JQ3: A+; IF: 2.301; ABS: Grade 4*; HB: 1]
Winner of the VHB-Nachwuchspreises 2013
Krämer, J., Wiewiorra, L., & Weinhardt, C. (2012).
Net Neutrality in the United States and Europe. CPI Antitrust Chronicle 3(2), Article 3.
Krämer, J. (2013).
Tariffication, Prioritization and Regulation: Eight Essays on Telecommunications Markets. Unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. 250 p.
Spiecker gen. Döhmann, I., & Krämer, J. (eds.). (2011).
Network Neutrality and Open Access. Baden Baden: Nomos Verlag. 214 p.
[Buchbesprechung durch Hunziker, M. in Archiv für Urheber- und Medienrecht (UFITA), 2012(2), 604-606]
Krämer, J, & Sachs, N. (2024).
Trusting in the Metaverse: On the Effects of Immersion and Avatar-Mediation on Trust in Virtual Work Environments. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2024.Bangkok, Thailand.
Ben Messaoud, S., Krämer, J., & Sachs, N. (2024).
The Odd One Out: An Experimental Investigation of Avatar-Mediated Communication on Homophily and Trust. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2024.Bangkok, Thailand.
Adam, M.T.P. & Krämer, J. (2022).
Evaluating the Emotional Bidding Framework: New Evidence from a Decade of Neurophysiology. Electronic Markets, 32(3), [JQ3: B; IF: 3.818; AJG: Grade 2; HB: 0.1]
Müller, M., Adam, M. T. P., Cornforth, D., Chiong, R., Krämer, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2016).
Selecting Phyiological Features for Predicting Bidding Behavior in Electronic Auctions. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016). (Kauai, Hawaii, USA). [JQ3: C]
Astor, P., Adam, M. T. P., & Krämer, J. (2016).
Affective Images, Emotion Regulation and Auction Behavior: A Psychophysiological Experiment on the Role of Unconscious Emotional Processes in Internet Auctions, Journal of Interactive Marketing 35, 56-59. [JQ3: B, IF: 3.864; ABS: Grade 3; HB: 0.4]
Adam, M. T. P., Krämer, J., & Müller, M. (2015).
Auction Fever! How time pressure and social competition affect bidders’ arousal and bids in retail auctions. Journal of Retailing, 91, 468-485 doi:10.1016/j.jretai.2015.01.003 [JQ3: A, IF: 5.480; ABS: Grade 4; HB: 0.7]
Adam, M.T.P., Krämer, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2012).
Excitement up! Price Down! Measuring Emotions in Dutch Auctions. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 17(2), 7-39. doi:10.2753/JEC1086-4415170201 [JQ3: B; IF: 2.514; ABS: Grade 3; HB: 0.5]
Adam, M. T. P., Krämer, J., Jähnig, C., Seifert, S., & Weinhardt, C. (2011).
Understanding Auction Fever: A Framework for Emotional Bidding. Electronic Markets 21(3), 197-207. doi:10.1007/s12525-011-0068-9 [JQ: B; IF: 3.818; ABS: Grade 2; HB: 0.1]
Astor, P. J., Adam, M. T. P., & Krämer, J. (2012).
Influence of emotional pictures on bidding behavior. In: Smidts, A., Sanfey, A., Reimann, M., & Schilke, O. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference. (Rotterdam, Netherlands), 18.
Adam, M. T. P., Gamer, M., Krämer, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2011).
Measuring Emotions in Electronic Markets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2011 (ICIS). (Shanghai, China). Paper 1. [VHB-JQ: A]
Adam, M. T. P., Krämer, J., Weinhardt, C., & Ehrhart, K.-M. (2010).
Investigating Auction Fever. in: Dreier, T.; Krämer, J.; Studer, R.; Weinhardt, C. (eds.), Information Management and Market Engineering: Vol. II. Studies on eOrganisation and Market Engineering. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 141-157.
Krämer, J, & Wiewiorra, L. (2015).
When 'just' is just not enough: Why consumers do not appreciate non-neutral Internet access services. Business and Information Systems Engineering 57(5), 325-338. doi:10.1007/s12599-015-0398-9 [JQ3: B; IF: 2.596; ABS: Grade 2; HB: 0.2]
Köhler, P., Krämer, J., & Krüger, L. (2014).
Optimal Choice and Consumption of Cost Cap Tariffs: Theory and Empirical Evidence. Business Research 7(1), 161–190. doi:10.1007/s40685-014-0007-7 [JQ3: B]
Krämer, J., & Wiewiorra, L. (2014).
Data Caps and Two-Sided Pricing: Evaluating Managed Service Business Models. Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014). (Tel Aviv, Israel). [JQ3: B]
Elsner, H., & Krämer, J. (2013).
Managing Corporate Portal Usage with Recommender Systems. Business and Information Systems Engineering5(4), 213-225 doi:10.1007/s12599-013-0275-3 [JQ3: B; IF: 2.596; ABS: Grade 2; HB: 0.2]
Elsner, H., & Krämer, J. (2013).
Nutzungsmanagement von Unternehmensportalen mithilfe von Empfehlungssystemen. Wirtschaftsinformatik 55(4), 205-219 doi:10.1007/s11576-013-0370-6 [JQ3: B; IF: 2.596; HB: 0.2]
Krämer, J. (2013).
Deutsche Telekom: Sind Fair-Use-Flatrates wirklich fair? Wirtschaftsdienst 93(5), 282. Kommentar.
Krämer, J. (2013)
Tariffication, Prioritization and Regulation: Eight Essays on Telecommunications Markets. Unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. 250 p.
Krämer, J., & Wiewiorra, L. (2012).
Beyond the Flat Rate Bias: The Flexibility Effect in Tariff Choice. Telecommunications Policy 36(1), 29-39. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2011.11.015 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Krämer, J., & Wiewiorra, L. (2010).
The Taxi Meter Effect: An Experimental Approach. In: de Vreede, G. (ed.), Group Decision and Negotiation 2010. (Delft, Netherlands), 228-231.
Köhler, P., Krämer, J., & Anandasivam, A. (2010).
Cloud Computing: New Business Opportunities for Telecommunications Companies?. Proceedings of the 2010 European Regional ITS Conference. (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Krämer, J., & Wiewiorra, L. (2010).
Consumer Perception of Mobile Telephony Tariffs with Cost Caps. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE). (Ghent, Belgium). IEEE Xplore, 1-8. doi:10.1109/ctte.2010.5557703 [Best Paper Award Runner Up]
Elsner, H., & Krämer, J. (2010).
Einsatz von Recommender Systemen zum Management von Unternehmensportalen. In: Schumann, M., Kolbe, L., Breitner, M., & Friedrichs, A. (eds.), Multikonferenz Wirtschafsinformatik 2010. Universitätsverlag Göttingen. 1819-1830. [JQ3: D]
Krämer, J., Conte, T., Blau, B., van Dinther, C., & Weinhardt, C. (2010).
Service Value Networks: Unleashing the Combinatorial Power of Service Mashups. Working Paper, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Wiewiorra, L., Krämer, J., Weinhardt, C., & Ehrhart, K.-M. (2010).
Consumer Perception of Time Based Pricing. In: Dreier, T., Krämer, J., Studer, R., & Weinhardt, C. (eds.), Information Management and Market Engineering: Vol. II. Studies on eOrganisation and Market Engineering. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. 179-190.
Blau, B., Krämer, J., Conte, T., & van Dinther, C. (2009).
Service Value Networks. In: Hofreiter, B., & Werthner, H. (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (Vienna, Austria) IEEE Computer Society. 194-201. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2009.64
Briglauer, W., Krämer, J., & Palan, N. (2024). Socioeconomic Benefits of High-Speed broadband Availability and Service Adoption: A survey. Telecommunications Policy, forthcoming.
. [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1;HB: 0.15]Briglauer, W., Grajek, M. (2023)
Effectiveness and efficiency of state aid for new broadband networks: evidence from OECD member states. Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
Briglauer, W., Dürr, N., & Gugler, K. (2021).
A retrospective study on the regional benefits and spillover effects of high-speed broadband networks: Evidence from German counties, International Journal of Industrial Organization 74. [IF: 1.113]
Briglauer, W., Stocker, V., Whalley, J. (2020).
Public Policy Targets in EU Broadband Markets: The Role of Technological Neutrality. Telecommunications Policy, 44 (5), Article 101908
Horstmann, N., Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2019).
Number Effects and Tacit Collusion in Experimental Oligopolies, The Journal of Industrial Economics66(3), 650-700.[JQ3: A; IF: 1.036; ABS: Grade 3; HB: 0.3]
Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2018)
Margin Sqeeze Regulation and Infrastructure Competition. Information Economics and Policy, 45, 30-46. [IF: 0.980; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Krämer, J. (2018).
Ausbau der digitalen Infrastruktur bis 2025: Welche Wege führen in die ›Gigabit-Gesellschaft‹?. In Homann, J., Gerpott, T. J., Briglauer, W., Vogelsang, I., Krämer, J., Henseler-Unger, I., & Wiewiorra, L., ifo Schnelldienst 71(07), 03–21.
Krämer, J., & Vogelsang, I. (2017).
Co-Investments and Tacit Collusion in Regulated Network Industries: Experimental Evidence. Working Paper. Review of Network Economics 15(1), 35-61 [IF: 0.357; ABS: Grade2; HB: 0.15]
Horstmann, N., Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2016).
Wholesale Competition, Open Access Regulation and Tacit Collusion: Experimental Evidence
Horstmann, N., Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2015).
Oligopoly Competition in Continuous Time
Krämer, J., & Schnurr, D. (2014).
A Unified Framework for Open Access Regulation of Telecommunications Infrastructure: Review of the Economic Literature and Policy Guidelines. Telecommunications Policy, 38(11), 1160–1179. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2014.06.006 [JQ3: C; IF: 2.087; ABS: Grade 1; HB: 0.15]
Horstmann, N., & Krämer, J. (2014).
Tacit collusion under multimarket contact with identical firms and markets. Mimeo. Presented under the title "Price Signaling and Tacit Collusion under Multimarket Contact" at the 41st Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) in Milan, Italy, 2014.
Horstmann, N., & Krämer, J. (2013).
Price Discrimination or Uniform Pricing: Which Colludes More? Economics Letters, 120(3), 397–383. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2013.05.011 [JQ3: B; IF: 0.581; ABS: Grade 3; HB: 0.5]
Krämer, J. (2009).
Bundling Vertically Differentiated Communications Services to Leverage Market Power. info: The journal for policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media,11(3), 64-74. doi:10.1108/14636690910954980
Krämer, J. (2007).
Digital Convergence, Pricing Strategies and Firms' Profits in the Telecommunication and Entertainment Media Industry. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE). (Helsinki, Finland). IEEE Xplore, 1-8. doi:10.1109/CTTE.2007.4389896
Krämer, J., Berninghaus, S., & Weinhardt, C. (2006).
Competing on Many Fronts: Entry Networks in an Economy of Multi-Product Firms. In: Dreier, T., Studer, R., & Weinhardt, C. (eds.), Information Management and Market Engineering. Studies on eOrganisation and Market Engineering. Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe. 139-151.
Krämer, J. (2013).
Tariffication, Prioritization and Regulation: Eight Essays on Telecommunications Markets. Unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. 250 p.
Spiecker gen. Döhmann, I., & Krämer, J. (eds.). (2011).
Network Neutrality and Open Access. Baden Baden: Nomos Verlag. 214 p.
[Buchbesprechung durch Hunziker, M. in Archiv für Urheber- und Medienrecht (UFITA), 2012(2), 604-606]
Krämer, J., & Seifert, S. (eds.). (2009).
Communications Regulation in the Age of Digital Convergence: Legal and Economic Perspectives. Karlsruhe: Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe. 110 p.
Krämer, J. (2009).
Bundling Telecommunications Services: Competitive Strategies for Converging Markets. Karlsruhe: Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe. 174 p.
Briglauer, W., Köppl-Turyna, M., Schwarzbauer, W., Bitto, V. (2023)
Evaluating the effects of ICT core elements on CO2 emissions: Recent evidence from OECD countries. Telecommunications Policy.
Briglauer, W., Madlener, R., Sheykhha, S. (2021)
The electricity- and CO2-saving potentials offered by regulation of European video-streaming services. Energy Policy, 161, 112716
Feige, C., Ehrhart, K.-M., & Krämer, J. (2018).
Climate Negotiations in the Lab: A Threshold Public Goods Game with Heterogeneous Contributions Costs and Non-binding Voting. Environmental and Resource Economics, 70(2), 343-362. doi:10.1007/s10640-017-0123-x [IF: 1.961; ABS: Grade 3; HB: 0.3]
Dalen, A., & Krämer, J. (2016).
Towards a user-centered feedback design for smart meter interfaces to support efficient energy-use choices: A design science approach. Business & Information Systems Engineering / Wirtschaftsinformatik, 59(5), 361-373. [JQ3: B; IF: 2.596; ABS: Grade 2; HB: 0.2]
Dalen, A., Krämer, J., & Weinhardt, C. (2013).
Determining the Optimal Level of Information Granularity for Efficient Energy Consumption Decisions: Experimental Evidence. Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013). (Utrecht, Netherlands). Paper 201. [JQ3: B]
Ilg, J., Flath, C., & Krämer, J. (2012).
A Note on the Economics of Metered Grid Pricing. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM).(Florence, Italy). IEEE Xplore, 1-6.
Mazarakis, A., & Krämer, J. (2010).
Feedbackmechanismen zur Steigerung der Beteiligung im Web 2.0–Ergebnisse einer Feldstudie zu Vorlesungswikis. in: Schroeder, U. (ed.), Interaktive Kulturen- Workshop-Band. (Duisburg, Germany) Proceedings der Workshops der DeLFI 2010 - Die 8. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. Berlin: Logos Verlag. 187-192.
Seifert, S., Krämer, J., & Mazarakis, A. (2010).
Anreize zur Nutzung von Wikis in der Hochschullehre - Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojekts. in: Ziegler, J.; Schmidt, A. (eds.), Mensch & Computer 2010. (Duisburg, Germany). München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. 179-188
Dreier, T., Krämer, J., Studer, R., & Weinhardt, C. (eds.). (2010).
Information Management and Market Engineering: Vol. II. Studies on eOrganisation and Market Engineering. No. 11. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. 260 p.
Krämer, A., & Krämer, J. (2010).
Flexibility of Delivery Frequency in Logistics Competition. Working Paper, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Krämer, J. (2009).
The Conference Scheduling Problem. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag. 160 p.